Battery Monitor

Keep an eye on the health and status of your Mac’s battery, with charge percentage and time in the menu bar. Also, you can see detailed information, set up a configurable alert, and choose a theme.
Keep an eye on the health and status of your Mac’s battery, with charge percentage and time in the menu bar. Also, you can see detailed information, set up a configurable alert, and choose a theme.
A PDF reader and note-taker designed to help read and annotate scientific papers, but can be used for viewing any PDF. Add and edit notes, highlight text, make bookmarks, and much more. Highly customizable.
Find your files with a multitude of filter options that can be saved and re-used. Searches can be saved and compared. Easily find duplicates.
Use a customizable trigger to pop up a pie menu for easy access to your favourite apps, folders, documents and shortcuts.
Combine your web-based messaging services into a single interface. Create workspaces and use productivity tools such as a to-do panel.
A doorway to Hacker News, one of the few places on the Internet where it’s still possible to find an intelligent conversation.
Add over a hundred more actions to the Shortcuts app that comes with your Mac, making automation even more capable.
Check what’s inside an installer package without actually installing it. Find out where it comes from, what it installs, and what else it does.
In case you wanted one more text editor to choose from. This one promises to be nice and “incredibly simple.”
Drag-and-drop helper keeps track of files while you’re moving them. Shelves can be placed at any edge of the screen. Free for now.
It’s been something I’ve had in the back of my mind for years — add an icon to every entry on thriftmac. Yes, all 400 hundred of them.
Switch apps from the menu bar. You can also enable tooltips showing information about the running apps. Hidden apps are dimmed in the menu.
Save the sizes and positions of your apps’ windows, so they can be restored later. Handy for switching between work spaces.