Omnivore swallowed, will delete your info

Omnivore — the much-loved read-it-later app — will soon be no more. As they put it in their blog, they are “joining forces” with ElevenLabs, whose main claim to fame is ElevenReader. This is an app that reads stuff out loud to you.
The worst part is that you have only until Nov. 15 to export your Omnivore information. After that, it’s deleted. Omnivore users are being offered a free ElevenReader account, but it’s not clear to me whether it has the same read-it-later functionality as Omnivore.
I don’t use read-it-later apps so I’m kind of stuck on what to advise as an alternative. I’ve tried them in the past, and wind up with a bunch of read-it-never stuff.
You might also try using the built-in functionality of your web browser — for example, Read Later in Safari. I notice I somehow have seven articles in Read Later that I haven’t got around to reading.
For me, it seems to be now or never.
I do share articles with myself via email, but it’s usually something I want to act on soon. For example, I shared the Omnivore blog post with myself yesterday so I could write about it today.
It might be worth experimenting with an email rule or smart folder that that automatically gathers up these shared articles.