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Scrimpy the thriftmac worm

Scrimpy's Blog

Updates from the world of thriftmac and free Mac apps.

Over two decades later, Skype is shutting down

Skype, the OG videoconferencing app, shuts down on May 5 in favour of Microsoft Teams.

So many icons. So, so many icons.

It’s been something I’ve had in the back of my mind for years — add an icon to every entry on thriftmac. Yes, all 400 hundred of them.

Welcome, wallpaper — our new app category

While looking at adding another wallpaper app to the thriftmac collection, I realized that I already had three — and each was in a different category. That’s not good.

GIMP 3.0 close to release after 20 years of work

GIMP is on the verge of a version 3.0 release — 20 years after version 2.0 came out. Still, it’s much appreciated.

Omnivore swallowed, will delete your info

Omnivore is “joining forces” with ElevenLab, and will soon be discontinued. You don’t have long to export your data.

Where to find free Mac apps on your own

Where do the free Mac apps in thriftmac come from? If you want to find them yourself instead of waiting for them to show up here, try these places.

So long, Abiword, and thanks for all the words

I finally had to give up on Abiword — it’s been toasted from thriftmac. As of this writing, you can’t even connect to a server.

What we're all about here at thriftmac

No in-app purchases. No ads. No subscriptions. No trials. Just 100% free Mac apps. Learn about the history of thriftmac, how Scrimpy came to be, and a bit about me.