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A clipboard with a lot of extras — not only a list of things you’ve copied, but also saved clips, the date, time and lorem ipsum. Smart clips are like templates where you can fill in a blank. It also does calculations.


One of the most full-featured of the free clipboard managers you’ll find. It stands out with lots of options in the preferences. Plus you can store and easily access snippets.


A clipboard system that promises security because clips are not stored in the system — making it inaccessible to malware. An interesting option if you work with sensitive data.


Open source fork of Jumpcut pops up a bezel containing recent items that you’ve copied. You can go through them with arrow keys to find the one you want and paste it. Default hotkey is Shift-Command-V.


Save up multiple snippets of text and paste them at will from the menu bar or from a translucent display invoked by a keyboard shortcut.


This clipboard distinguishes itself with a search input for when the number of items you’ve copied gets unwieldy. There is a free version, but it’s hard to find on the site. Use the download button below.

Pure Paste

It can be super annoying to paste some text into, say, an email message, only to find that a bunch of formatting came along for the ride. This app makes sure you can have nothing but plain text.