Scrimpy's Picks
Totally biased and subjective picks for the best of thriftmac.
Totally biased and subjective picks for the best of thriftmac.
Multi-functional app includes many options for display and management of windows, some of which are quite innovative.
This menu bar app overrides energy saver settings to keep your Mac awake with an on-off switch or automatically with configurable triggers. Has a boat load of features and is being actively developed.
Delete not only the app, but also all those pesky files that are associated with it.
Open source password manager has a nice interface, easy search, and plenty of ways to organize your items.
Type a keyword with a colon in front (or whatever you like!), and it expands. Includes special triggers for dates, emojis and shell commands, plus several expansion packages. Can also create templates.
The non-profit open source effort from Mozilla, often updated, with a huge collection of add-ons. Fast, private and secure.
Handy little utility for those times when you want to measure something on your screen. Over 20 years old!
Drag and drop .jpeg, .png and .gif images and see them instantly slim down. This open source app works by finding the best compression parameters and removing unnecessary comments and colour profiles. Which is just what you want to make websites load faster.
Easy access from the menu bar to a calendar for the current month and a listing of appointments and events imported from the Calendar app that comes with your Mac. Unpinning allows you to move it around the screen.
The revered RSS feed reader is back with an open source version by Brent Simmons as his contribution to the open web. Features include a Safari extension for feed-adding, direct feed-downloading, and syncing via Feedbin.
Listen to upbeat, uninterrupted music on five different channels: default, Indie Summer, Hangover Club, Tokyo Disco and Friday Nite Heat. Also available are the latest 20 tracks, and a spot for your favourites.
It can be super annoying to paste some text into, say, an email message, only to find that a bunch of formatting came along for the ride. This app makes sure you can have nothing but plain text.
Keep your re-usable code close at hand, organized with folders and tags. In addition to your notes, you can add images, videos and documents. Access code easily from the menu bar. Choose your favourite theme. Also makes a good markdown editor.
A nice app version of the color picker that comes with your Mac. It can be invoked from the menu bar or record your own shortcut. It gives values in hex, hsl and rgb.
This tiny scrapbook with a gorgeous interface can live either in the dock or the menu bar. It’s a handy place to keep seven pages of temporary notes, and no more. Syncs with iCloud.
Open source, cross-platform text editor from Microsoft has thousands of extensions, IntelliSense completions and built-in support for Git.