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Window Management
apps: 12


Multi-functional app includes many options for display and management of windows, some of which are quite innovative.


Switch focus to any open window — like command-tab for programs, but for windows. Once you’re in focus, you can minimize, close or full-screen the window. Customize the app’s appearance and trigger shortcuts.


Automatically tiles windows for you as they are opened. Lots of options for how this is done, plus you can have different setups for different Spaces.

Last Window Quits

Close the last window in a app, and the app will quit. Might seem weird for long-time Mac users, but it’s something people switching from Windows are used to.


Hide all the windows in a session and bring them back when you need them, either manually or with a timer. Great for when you need to clear the decks before a video call.


Trigger a radial menu and use it to position your windows. Customize the loop’s thickness and corners, or turn it off and use keyboard shortcuts.


Create a layout for your windows with zones in your choice of size and position. Grab between zones to adjust them.


Use your trackpad to move and resize windows, or snap them into halves and quarters.


Save the sizes and positions of your apps’ windows, so they can be restored later. Handy for switching between work spaces.


Organize your windows with easy-to-remember keyboard commands. Put them to the left, right, top or bottom. Put them corners. Centre them. Make them go full screen. It’s a great way to make comparisons, and it works in all apps. No longer actively maintained.


Move or resize windows by holding down a key that you designate, then moving your pointer — wherever it happens to be.


Easily organize your windows by dragging them to the edges of the screen, using keyboard shortcuts, or clicking on options in the menu bar.